
The duya

There once was a weird world
Where noöne heard a duyes word
But then Duye into this world came
Despite bharatiya hating
Words said by Duye were not any lame
Bhaias could only be hating

Duye went and we have saw
Duye is not one but multiple
Duya are the duye we saw
Duya itselves are perfectionple

Bhaia said Duye is very bad
Yet we all know the truth is contrary
Duya is the very bestest
Bhaia is sin on truthtrary



  1. Duy and 3 people of bhai
  2. Duy and the holy zink
  3. Duy and apple
  4. Duy and regal
  5. Duy and zinked glæs
  6. Duy and His Rickroll omination
  7. Duy and universe creation
  8. Hell in Duyism
  9. Creation in Duyism
  10. The birth of the word “bruh”
  11. Duy and pirate of bhai seas
  12. Duyy duy and unduy crimes
  13. Duy and unduy on the earth
  14. duy bhai unbhai rebhai unduy and unpojav
  15. duy and apple's duyocracy of pojav
  16. “Ancient Duyist” and Prison For Bhai
  17. history of the world
  18. How duyism start?

Duy and 3 people of bhai

One day in duye’s early adventures duy has met 3 old people.
First said: bhai! my game crash boardwalk lags!
Second said: “bhai! use mcinabox!”
Third said: “bhai! both lag help!”
This gave duye idea to make his own holy creation, duy was thinking to fork boardwalk or mcinabox. He decided to fork boardwalk, because unlike mcinabox it was holy. Next week duy went to these 3 old people and showed them pojav. They all in theirs hype started behaving like children. One of them said: “bhai why pojav 403 login error?!?!”
Duy then took hammer he used to build pojav and yeeted that person to nether.
Second one said: “bhai so good no lag but where mediafire!?”
Duy reacted with »Hyperrofel«
Third one said: “bhai why my game slow make fast!!!”
Duy linked him to java9 link, zink, and told him to use -Xint.
That person replied with: “thanks.”
But when he was launching the game he said: “it even slower bhai why???!?!”
Duy replied with »Hyperrofel«

Duy and the holy zink

Several month after pojav's creation, one silly kid came into duye's house and started screaming for support of shaders.
Duy at first replied with »Hyperrofel«, but then that got him to thinking, how to implement something so laggy only true believers will use it and children will start to hate shaders. Then he saw weird people extracting zinc from ground next to his village, that got him an idea, what if he would use zinc to get full shader support but painfully slowly at same time.
So he implemented zink.
He showed it to that annoying child.
That annoying kid said:
“bhai bhai it lag shader so bad pojav so bad mcianabox better duy!!!”
Many years passed since then, but eventually that annoying child returned as wise adult and thanked duy for showing him lesson on why shaders are bad. Duy didn’t expect that, so he has finally decided to make zink faster, since that child already learned why shaders are unholy.
Few days later bunch of children were screaming: “bhai bhai bhai my pojav crash when use zink fix pls!!!” while not having any vulkan to pay for using the zink…

Duy and apple

One day duy has heard that there is another marketplace in town, he wanted to distribute here pojav too, but manager of that marketplace said that duye's pojav can’t work and that he will accept it, only once duy makes version specially for apple marketplace.
Duy though about it and decided to do so.
First duy ported linker so he won’t have to redo everything.
Then rest of pojav.
Then he wanted to test it, but manager of apple said no, pojav is now illegal by my eyes
duy tried it anyways, (bhai)police took him into jail.
Here he has met strange guy named Doregon. Doregon explained he was imprisoned for similar thing, and that she is actually famous jailbreaker Eilionoir Crystalline in disguise. And then she showed duy plan how to break the jail. They broke the jail and started distribute pojav for the apples to other villages too, and showed people how to break theirs local prisons.
Several weeks later, bunch of kids came into pojav, they really liked the apple and said:
“bhai how to pojav my apple.”
Duy told them to jailbreak theirs local apple prison,
but they replied: “what is jailbreak prison, bhai??!!”
Then duy said »Hyperrofel« again and closed the doors.

Duy and regal

Way ago before creation of holy zink, duy has used renderer called glæs, but it was too fast and quickly bunch of kids came to his house and “bhai bhai bhai my pojav not fast make faster.”
So duy decided do reverse, implemented torture device called regal.
When he implemented it, all kids became silent and watched broken slideshow. Then bunch of them with speakers all repeating “bhai bhai bhai” came into duye’s house.
Duy at first »Hyperrofel«.
But then some kids started getting inside…
Kids: “bhai bhai bhai micnaonboax muach better make speed pls i cry.”
Later duy reimplemented glæs, but also with java9 so it was only 25% speed and kids again praised him for speed of pojav.

Duy and zinked glæs

One day, one "bhai" came to duyen,
started screaming:
“bhay bhay pls make vulkan no zink pls bhay.”
And duy said
Later that day duy did implement virgl, basically child of glæs and zink...

Duy and His Rickroll domination

Duy has created a wise invention called “PojavLauncher” along with it the “PojavLauncher Discord Server.”
“PojavLauncher launches free minecraft java edition omg bhai!!!”
Which lured the 10 year olds.

The 10 year olds began socializing for the first time in the “pojav-android“,
one of them said:
“omg i love pojavlauncher.”
Duy replied with:
“omg I love off-topic.“
The other devs reacted to duye’s message with the godly symbol of hyperrofl.

The 10 year olds then moved to “off-topic“ and talked there, they started developing jokes, one of them is called the Rick Roll a.k.a Rockrill.
Duy, after seeing the new invention, decided to spread it everywhere, infecting new comers and newcuommers.

Duy and universe creation

Duy created the universe.
But he forgor 69 enjoyers.
He created humans. 69 enjoyers.
Duy created human so there would be a organism that loves 69
Proof that duy is our lord.
The place where duy say "universe69.apk installer bhai"

Hell in Duyism

In the gates of hell,
you are going to see bhai kids who want free minecraft and use mcinalagbox, becoz pojav removed online accounts.
In first floor, you will see ppl who are playing pojav Zink with shader, while their hands are burning. In the second floor, a bunch of cringe kids play pojav in their weak 1 gb ram phone while their phone is exploding. In the third floor, you would see ppl worshipping JunyuLong (creator of macxinabiox). In the 4th floor, ppl are using Zink, with rtx, with -Xint with java9 on their 1gb ram phone (the explosion is more powerful than all the nuclear bombs combined).
In hell, ppl regret that they didn't worship duy and did unholy stuffs
(like using NFA, etc).
Ppl in hell will beg for forgiveness and pojav, but duy will just react with:


Creation in Duyism:

Duy created universe using universeinstaller.apk.
9 billion years after the creation,
duy created earth.
Duy ignored earth for 4 billions year.
When duy cameback to earth, he realized the beauty of earth.
Duy created 69 female and 420 male bhæ in this planet. Duy forbid bhais from using Mciabnox. A bhai asked “Why?” Duy just reacted »Hyperrofel« and left. A bhai tried to use mciabnox and all the bhæ’s IQ shrank to 0.
a bhai screamed.
Duy reacted with »Hyperrofel«

Duy saw a organism called humans. Humans enjoyed a lot of progress. Duy decided to talk to humans. This time, to prevent humans from using Mciabnox, duy created the holy Pojav. A few humans decided to help to make Pojav better.
Duy was surprised.
Duy said to humans (before leaving) “don’t use mcianlagbox or you will become 0 IQ bhai »Hyperrofel«. To this very day, bhæ still exist. still using unholy stuffs…

The birth of the word “bruh”

support scream, hell, heaven, duy, and inteligence gain

Before several millions of years
“Bhai!” “What are thou doing here!”
“nothing nothing just screaming for support and 1.17.”
Duy replied with duyy symbol of »Hyperrofel«.
Bhai then proceeded to scream for free bhai mediafire apk…
Duy laughted more of and more with duyy hyperrofel. Duy then said:
“bhai! where you got that account?”
While duy was preparing duyy tool of ban hammer, bhai replied with:
“i no buy pls free.”
Duy used the hammer,
bhai flyied to the sky,
and then fell back to macinalagbox.
Few days later some new bhai joined duyy pojav launcher server and instantly began screaming for support and mediafry apk and lag free macinbox. Duy with his infinite knowledge and memory noticed he uses same pirated account as bhai who got banned before. Duy started laughting while preparing ban hammer and said:
“thou idiot decided to rejoin bhai medaifrie apk downluaod free ban time” and:
and proceeded to use the ban hammer. Later same thing repeated many times over span of several decades...

By that time one bhai wanted so many support and became so angry he almost exploded after he got banned his 51482th alt. Later one night bhai had dream, it was about his future. Bhai will get into place where only most unduyy people live,
into the hell.
Hell is made out of many rooms, of which one of them was designed for this bhai…
Bhai woke up,
extremelly scared he started noticing shadow figure around him,
bhai went unconsious,
and duy took him to duyism hell.
Bhai woke up,
while he noticed duy in same room, he started asking questions like:
“why i am here” and “what is this”.
Duy answered:
“thou hatest duyism so much,
which is ironic, since thou wilt be soon duyism follower too,
there is no escape from true duyy way of life”
Then duy gived bhai weird looking substance and told him to eat it.
Bhai ate it and went back to sleep…

When bhai woke up he was in completelly different room and duy was no longer there. Bhai got weird feeling of inteligence,
his life just got meaning,
his mind was in peace.
He no longer needed support,
he knew all of it,
his mind was clear.
He started looking around him.
He saw a light so bright,
it would kill eyes,
but it did not,
instead when he looked at it,
it gave his eyes power,
power to see truth.
He saw crystal of such colours that cannot be described.
He saw the love,
the truth, the peace,
the life.
He saw the real look of duy…

He instantly started crying like newborn baby, while he was already pretty old.
He started talking:
“duyy duy i am so much sorry…
my feeling cant be explained by words of any language,
i the person who hated duyism most,
never saw real truth,
never noticided that god is you,
you the most duyy person on the word,
Duy replied with:
“dont worry now,
it was several millenia ago since ye last said any bad thing about me already,
time in this duyy place is faster than on earth,
but ye should not be known as “bhai” anymore,
ye should be known as "bruh" so people will remember irony of your life,
irony that ye hated something so much ye started love it”
Bhai, now known as bruh agreed.

Bruh lived happy and long life until he joined duy in duyy place…
And should be remembered as fact you cant hate duyism,
because then it could easily happen that you will love it…

Duy and pirate of bhai seas

When duy made pojav, weird brain influence of bhæ’s made him forgot to remove piracy from pojav…
Duy woke up from nightmare about big and ancient monster called michælsoft, he knew he could easily beat that monster, but he knew what impact it would have on rest of world so he decided not to. He knew monster is coming because he forgot to remove offline mode that was added because of testing before two* years. Duy rushed to the pojav laboratory and deleted offline mode.
Next day bhai came to him and said:
“bhai bhai plees downlaudsd punctuation lacher free mod apk medifir”
Duy then used his holy weapon of ban hammer to peacefully remove that bhai pirate from existence.
Later that day youtubhai contacted him to give him acces to offline mode for his subscribers. duy almost wanted to use ban hammer instantly, but he realized he can ask that bhaituber for list of subscribers... so he did so. bhai tuber gived him the list and he banned all of them, including youtubhai...

*four years currently

Duyy duy and unduy crimes

Duyy duy was once in very far place from his duyy house, duye was on vacation.
One day duy saw bhai bhaing on the street and singing:
“bhai bhai bhai macinabox the best, no lag, no pay, medifir”
Duy after hearing such unduy »song« wanted to use duyis duyy weapon of ban hammer.
But duye did not.
Duy though about bruh, about how bhai turned into bruh, so duye gave bhai second chance.
Duy told bhai:
“bhai! stop doing such unduy things, or bhaiou will feel duypower of dy ban hammer!”
bhai replied:
“bhai not, yue not free medifir apk maker nope good”
Duy hyperofel and said:
“bhaiou, why you think that? maybe because you are unduyy unduyrate?”
bhai screamed:
“download pls give free my gam crash pls fix bhai pls downlaod”

Duy realized duye would overuse the act of hyperofeling, so duye used ban hammer instead.

Duy and unduy on the earth

earth on unduy much so saw duy day one
so he decided to punish humanity for it
do should he what though he
ah, of course, yes, the render of zink will be gone
virgl inferior the with replaced and removed be will zink
only thing we can do is wait and pray to duy to add back holy zink
unduy is cringe is unduy is piracy
duy knows all of that of course
glory new and return zink for hope lets
please god lord duy add back zink

duy bhai unbhai rebhai unduy and unpojav

duy wanted to make minecraft java mobile
forked and boardwalk saw he so
everything was fine and good
sad is which removation glshim except
one day bhai copied him and forked pojav and hid it from world
gpl against is know all we which
so much unduy, unpojav
rebhai bhai but weapon holy his used he
so he used 2% of his power and deleted him from existence

duy and apple's duyocracy of pojav

duy worked all night all day
always he was bugs all fixing
first experiment worked…
crashed it and frame first rendered it
first java minecraft on apple's flavoured java

“Ancient Duyist” and Prison For Bhai

Duy created a prison for bhais. Bhæ had so much power yet were so stupid (they are dangerous). Ancient Duyist is a extremely curious human duyist. They wondered what bhæ looks like. One day, they vent into the prison of bhæ. They brough only the duyist Holy Book, the Duylaw, at that time for protection. Ancient Duyist tried to look at bhæ using their power granted by duy…
But, then he freed the bhais. Ancient Duyist tried to fight the bhais but they are too powerful. To save duyism, they threw the holy book at the sea.
It would take 6942 years for the book to be rediscovered. Bhæ tried to mix with humans to prevent ban hammer.

Now, we're here.
We have a lot of bhai-humans now.
Duy reacted with »Hyperrofel« and left.

“Ancient Duyist” turned into the most powerful monster bhai
Before Ancient Duyist died, bhæ managed to turn the “Ancient Duyist” into a monster.
Duy put the monster in the prison.
He wonder where are the bhais.
But then here realised that humans and bhais mix.

Instead of killing humans, duy decided to wait what would happen…

history of the world

(i tried as hard as possible to make it accurate, its hard)

There was nothing, which means everything was there, that everything was first form of duy.
Duy was once bored and thought:
“what if i make something that can make me laugh and entertain, this is boring”
So he indeed did it, he split something of nothing which was also everything, and made it to the universe. Eventually that something he split from duyself began making tiny formation, these later became even bigger. But duyverse was still boring, so duy emitted some of holy energy and made gravity, because how gravity works, everything were balls. Duy choosed biggest ones, and gived them holy energy of duy.
They started to glow, they became stars…
Then duy relaxed and watched, but later he was bored again, exploding stars get boring after 8 696 969 696 years of watching them. Duy decided to take some of atoms, and mixed them with holy power and made them to strings. Duy started to rotate, quickly, and as he was holding the strings, he made ball of them.
Then duy took it near the star to heat it, it melted.
Duy let it cool and added water.
He gave the ability to reproduce and mutate to some atom formations
For long time he watched them evolve, become smarter, bigger, better…
But then one day he saw one of them walk on two legs, he was suprised, then that creature started yelling at him:
“bghrài aàarh ghrhh hrgr bhghr bhaìrg”
He instantly realized something is wrong, and its too late, these creatues spread too fast.
He later saw some workshiping some weird guys and creatues, he was confused about what these creatures are doing and why. Later he decided to try help them, maybe they are inteligent enough to understand duye’s power and tiny bit of his knowledge.
Duy made the pojav…
It atracted many people, most of them so called bhais, whose’s name later got meaning of:
“small kids and or dumb unduy people”
Duy seing bhais was very sad.
So he made himself holy weapon of ban hammer.

…and the rest of history is shown in other duyism stories, its nice to read them.

…once upon a time two men named Serpent(the holy Drunkdev) and Duykhanhtran met each other at idk where. They said to each other
“hey lets steal boardwalk source and make it better and up to date”
And thus pojavlauncher was born or known as fully portable java launcher even though laptops exists. Now you can play mc java on your toilet while taking a long arse excremente.
Months later they created pojav discord server and that was a huge success.

Horny Era

A guy named legacygamerhd started posting ecchi in off-topic.
People started gettiny toxic.
Legacy bans a guy who says stop posting that.
Then months later migranpolla took over by a devil dragon named spyro(insert redmagic logo here).

Migranpolla was basically fr with a cock or in a short frcock. Then thats where the horny era ends.

end of horny era

Beginning of duyism pojav mods added new anti horny rules
which stopped every person from sending horny messages.

*kinda wrong dating, duyism existed since start of horny era and even before, in zink era
**also removal of horny actually profits duyism since main principle of duyism is praying to duy, not the other stuff

The revolt

Once, duy left for vacation and instructed his friend, Crystallionoir to clean up the server. Crystallionoir then started the cleaning, as she though it should be done.
First she brough over the mods of derivate of ununduyy pojav derivate. Then she locked all channels and tried to end duyocracy.
Thankfully holy Artdev (Maximum Artdev Artdeell) prevented that and created the oligo-duyocracy. Which then later turned into current system oligo-absoluto-duyocracy.

How duyism start?

The first person to tell ppl to pray to lord Duy is non other than the prophet Gary. However, every Duyist still have different practices* (Some dœsn't consider 69 as a holy number, yikes). The prophet who founded "Mainstream Duyism" is prophet at the time known PanPernicek, now Nētka, alongside with help of py10 (racistcat). They introduced many ideas like duyism credits, documenting bhai stories, etc
Months later, the first real Fortress for duyist is created. Created by Nguyen.

**those practises seem to not be any widespread as of 3. 3. 2023 *those practises seem to not be any widespread as of 25. 9. 2023 *those practises seem to not be any widespread as of 26. 4. 2024

69th Javaneinday

It is coming soon, expect your demise if you are unduy sinner!
(Else celebrate it, it is a holy day, the holy day of purification)